Sunday 1 February 2015

Turmeric and Tomato Face Pack

Turmeric and Tomato Face Pack

tomato and turmeric

We already know about the benefits of turmeric. Did you know that lycopene present in tomatoes helps to reduce skin irritation, redness, DNA damage from ultraviolet rays of the sun. However, don’t forget applying sunscreens altogether. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects the face from damage caused by sunrays. It is also a great ant-ageing agent. So stay young with a tomato diet!
Things you will need:
  •         Turmeric
  •         Tomato juice

  •          Mix turmeric with tomato juice.
  •          Apply on your face and allow it to dry.
  •          Wash your face with tepid water.

This is quite a popular pack among women for its simplicity and the glowing results!
Alternatively, try this even simpler remedy. You can take out the tomato pulp and massage your skin with it. Leave this on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off. This will help to bring about a change in your complexion if done every day.
The Summary:
Lycopene present in tomatoes reduce skin irritation, redness and protects the face from sun radiations. It is an anti ageing agent and when massaged onto the skin, changes the complexion.

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